Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

To Run DGN2SDO in DGN Mode

  1. Check the DGN data and identify the data geometry type and level to convert.
  2. Create a .BAT file and for each level/geometry type/other criteria combination, add one call to DGN2SDO, as shown below:
    set dgn2sdo="C:\Program Files\Bentley\GeospatialExtension\bin\dgn2sdo.exe" 
    set myoutdir=D:\data\OutputDGN2SDO\mibrag\topo 
    set inmetadb=mcd/mcd@w2003db 
    rem --------------------------------------- 
    ECHO All features of topo*.dgn 
    %dgn2sdo% IN_FILE="D:\data\Mibrag\mibrag1\topo\*.dgn" IN_TYPE=DGN IN_GEOM_TYPE=LINE OUT_GEOM_TABLE=BS_BK OUT_DIR=%myoutdir% IN_METADB=%inmetadb%
  3. Run the batch file to create a set of SQL, CTL, DAT and one masterload.bat file.
  4. Create a new user, tablespace (or existing one if the tablenames used do not already exist) in Oracle that will host the final data.
  5. Run the masterload.bat file using, for example:
    masterload.bat myuser/mypassword@[myservice]

    This will create Oracle tables, set the Oracle spatial metadata and load the instance data (geometry in this case).